Author: rgajewsky

Life in 5th Grade

So far fifth grade has been great. They treat us more like older kids. Unless we dont act like fifth graders are prize gets taken away. The day goes by alot faster since we have 5 classes. I love fifth grade!!!

9/11 Reflection

9/11 was a horrible day that changed America forever. Osama Bin Laden was the leader of the terrorist that attacked our country. The terrorist attacked in New York City (Twin Towers) , Washington D.C. (Pentagon) ,then in a field in Pennsylvania. Everybody died on the plain in Pennsylvania. My mom was in art class at the White Oak   High school in the 10th grade. You need to always remember to not take life for granite and be thankful for what you have


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Super Digital Citizen

Hi my name is X-Girl.

My super power is Super Vision and I can see when theres a safety problem or something is wrong on the internet.screen-shot-2016-09-08-at-9-10-33-am


My goal is to learn as much as I can in science and make all A’s.

George Washington

Today I read about George Washington

Here are some facts I learned


1.He was the commander of the Continental Army.

2. He was one of the men who signed the original Constitution.

3.He was truly known as a person with great integrity.

4. The story of George cutting down the cherry tree is actually a myth.

5. It is a fact that Washington had white hair in pictures,but he was really a red



6. What year did he die?

Abraham Lincoln

Today I read about Abraham Lincoln.

Here are some facts I learned.

1. Abe. Lincoln was very unselfish.

2. Lincoln wanted to be president because he believed he could make a difference.

3. Rich and poor all over Washington D.C. wore black to show respect.

4. He was shot and killed by John Wilkes Booth.

5. Lincoln loved America because of its freedom.



6. Did he wear the same top-hat his whole life?

I’m Only Me If I’m Drug Free

I don’t want to do drugs because it can ruin my life.

I wont be able to have kids or a job.

Even one dose can kill you.

It all depends on your health.

People think it makes them cooler and makes their lives better, but it doesn’t.

Don’t do DRUGS!

Row Your Site


Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 10.02.47 AM

I got my animal from

1. A Tarsier lives in tropical rainforests.

2. Their very small their only 4 to 6 inches.

3. Their predaters are: owls, civets, and moniter lizards.

4. It is defenitlynot the biggest animal it ways up to 4 ounces.

5. It has very tiny eyes.


Photo on 9-28-15 at 10.17 AM

So Long 3rd Grade

The most important thing I learned was multiplication. My favorite project was the pizza project. I was most surprised how many days it rained and we never got to go outside. The thing I disliked most was the STAAR TEST!!!!!!!!!!

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